Hayward Environmental Consulting currently offers services in three states: Arizona, California, and Nevada. Here is a resource database for each location to help you learn how to properly manage your company’s hazardous waste.
Arizona Hazardous Waste Resource Database
- E-Manifest Resources
- E-Manifest is an online system that tracks hazardous waste shipments. This page offers information on how to sign up and submit biennial reports.
- More information
- Emergency Procedures and Spill Reporting Requirements
- For all hazardous waste emergencies, the appropriate state agencies must be notified. Here you can find step by step instructions on how to handle an emergency waste spill.
- Contact ADEQ Emergency Response Unit at (602) 771-2330 or (800) 234-5677.
- Contact the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802.
- More information
- Hazardous-Solid Waste Labeling
- This document provides a brief guide to labeling types of waste for safety.
- Access document
- Requirements for Large Quantity Generators
- Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) must operate in a certain way to keep the public safe. This page covers required equipment and emergency precautions.
- See full details
- Satellite Accumulation Area Guidance
- All generators have certain limits and regulations, and this resource covers those.
- See full details
- Steps to Basic Hazardous Waste Management
- You can use this document as a general guide for how and when to dispose of certain types of hazardous waste.
- View and download guide
- Weekly Inspection Checklist
- This detailed checklist offers an easy way to keep track of your company’s hazardous waste.
- View and download checklist
- Other Hazardous Waste Resources
- ADEQ has plenty of other hazardous waste resources, some of which require you to download Microsoft documents.
- View full resource list
Regulation Board Contacts
- ADEQ Main Office, Phoenix
- Phone: (602) 771-2300
- ADEQ Southern Regional Office, Tucson
- Phone: (520) 628-6733 or (888) 271-9302
- Hazardous Waste Permits
- Phone: (602) 771-4160
- Email: wastecompliance@azdeq.gov
- Report Hazardous Waste Complaint
- Phone: (602) 771-4673
California Hazardous Waste Resource Database
- Biennial Hazardous Waste Report
- Those who generate large quantities of hazardous waste are required to submit a report every two years. This report covers the nature, amounts, and disposition of the hazardous waste.
- Hazardous Waste Report Form and Instructions
- Email brsstaff@dtcs.ca.gov or call (800) 618-6492 for general information.
- Brownfields Loan Program List
- This list shows the status of cleanup loans, the Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods Loan Program, and the Investigation Site Contamination Program Loans.
- View the Loan Program List
- California Toxic Release Inventory Program (CalTRIP)
- Certain facilities are required to submit annual reports about the toxic substances they release. This includes chemicals released routinely or by accident. Any companies that manufacture, use, or process toxic chemicals need to fill this out once a year.
- Information About Submitting TRI Reports
- Searching the TRI Database
- This site aims to reduce toxic chemicals found in products. You can view and accept petitions on it.
- View the Website
- EnviroStore
- EnviroStore is a database that has lots of essential information about environmental cleanups, permits, and enforcement in certain areas.
- Check out the Database
- Hazardous Waste Tracking System
- For any information about shipping, treating, storing, and disposing hazardous waste, head to this resource.
- Search HWTS
- Project Documents
- Here you’ll find plenty of important documents related to hazardous waste management projects, cleanup projects, and enforcement cases.
- Browse Documents
- Registered Hazardous Waste Transporters
- If you’re looking for a list of all hazardous waste transporters in your area, this site allows you to search through them.
- Search for Transporters
- Transported Quarterly Report System
- California requires those transporting hazardous waste under the consolidated manifesting procedure to submit quarterly reports.
- Submit Quarterly Report with Account
- If you don’t have an account, email TQR@dtsc.ca.gov
- Treated Wood Waste Tracking
- Old wood that’s treated with chemical preservatives is referred to as “treated wood waste” or “TWW.” Those who handle over 10,000 pounds of TWW annually must report it.
- Report TWW
- Access TWW Tracking System
Regulation Board Contacts
- Department of Toxic Substances Control Headquarters
- Physical Address: 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-2828
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, CA 95812-0806
- Berkley Regional Office
- Phone: (510) 540-2122
- Fax: (510) 540-37738
- Chatsworth Regional Office
- Phone: (818) 717-6500
- Clovis Field Office
- Phone: (559) 297-3903
- Fax: (559) 297-3903
- Cypress Regional Office
- Phone: (714) 484-5300
- Fax: (714) 484-5302
- Imperial County CUPA Office
- Phone: (760) 352-0381
- Fax: (760) 352-1641
- Sacramento Regional Office
- Phone: (916) 255-3545
- Fax: (916) 255-3785
- San Diego Field Office
- Phone: (619) 516-1982
- Fax: (619) 516-1963
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Phone: (800) 618-6942
- Waste Alert Hotline
- Phone: (800) 698-6942
- Transporters
- Phone: (800) 618-6942
- Regulatory Assistance Office
- Phone: (800) 728-6942
- DTSC Personnel Office
- Phone: (916) 323-26779
Nevada Hazardous Waste Resource Database
- Biennial Reports
- If you generate large amounts of hazardous waste in a month, you are required to fill out a biennial report. These reports inform the public and government officials about hazardous waste in the area.
- How to fill out a Biennial Report
- For assistance, contact (800) 882-3233
- E-Manifest System
- The E-Manifest System tracks hazardous waste shipments online, making it easier for facilities to keep track of this information.
- How to use E-Manifest
- How to fill out physical copy of manifest
- Contact (833) 501-6826 or (970) 494-5508 with questions
- EPA Identification Number Information
- An EPA ID number identifies handlers of hazardous waste. You will need to fill out a Notification of Regulated Waste Activity Form to get an EPA ID number.
- Information on how to fill out the form
- How to deactivate EPA ID number
- Contact U.S. EPA at (800) 300-2193
- Permitted TSD Facilities
- You must dispose of hazardous waste to permitted Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) facilities, so check the permitted list before disposing of toxic waste.
- View permitted facilities
- RCRAInfo Industry Application
- By using this application, facilities can submit hazardous waste information electronically, including essential forms like myRCRAid, Biennial Report, and e-Manifest.
- Instructions on how to sign up
- Recycling Forms and Procedures
- Facilities that recycle hazardous waste are required to fill out a written determination form (WD). The form differs depending on what type of waste you’re recycling.
- Guide to preparing for a WD
- Used oil recycling form
- Used antifreeze recycling form
- List of previous WDs
Regulation Board Contacts
- Hazardous Waste Branch Supervisor, Mike Leigh
- Phone: (775) 687-9465
- Email: mleigh@ndep.nv.gov
- Hazardous Waste Permit Writer, Maureen Godbout
- Phone: (775) 687-9482
- Email: mgodbout@wpenginendep.nv.gov
- Hazardous Waste Inspector, Annalyn Settelmeyer
- Phone: (775) 687-9476
- Email: asettelm@ndep.nv.gov
- Hazardous Waste Inspector, Chris Locken
- Phone: (775) 687-9316
- Email: clocken@ndep.nv.gov
- Hazardous Waste Inspector, Sarah Nutsch
- Phone: (775) 687-9478
- Email: snutsch@ndep.nv.gov
- Nevada State Emergency Response Commission
- Phone: (775) 684-7511
- Fax: (775) 684-7510
Do you have questions or need assistance related to hazardous waste disposal? Hayward Environmental Consulting is here to help! Contact us today to receive a free, no-obligation quote.